Frankie: Why do you want to go out with me?
Johnny: Because the heart does things for reasons that reason can not understand!
Johnny: Frankie! chances like this don't come along often, you gotta take'em because if you don't they're gone for ever ...
Frankie: If I wanted a man in my life, I wouldn't have bought a VCR that can't even work!
Frankie: Did you always dream of being a cook?
Johnny: No, prison did it, when I went in and I heard that "clank", you know, I died. Then they put me in the kitchen with food and, I don't know suddenly I was born again. I started to feel like I could breathe again.
Frankie: I never know when you are playing games or being serious.
Johnny: It's both. serious games! Why do we have to name everything?
Johnny: you know this all should be so easy. Why is it always so damn hard!!!
Johnny: You don't have to be afraid any more.
Frankie: I am. I'm afraid.I'm afraid to be alone,
I'm afraid not to be alone.I'm afraid of what I am,what I'm not,what I might become,
what I might never become.
I don't wanna stay at my jobfor the rest of my life but I...I'm afraid to leave.And I'm just tired, you know,I'm just so tired of being afraid.Frankie and Johnny (1991)
There were some symbolic scenes in this movie that I really enjoyed.For instance that "parakeet" Frankie was talking about could be symbolof her beauty or womanhood that she is trying to forget about as she says:"I had a parakeet, I hated it. I was glad when it died."Me
It's both. serious games! Why do we have to name everything?
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